A commission account.
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Age 32

Joined on 12/5/18

Exp Points:
599 / 710
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
5.01 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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OddJuice's News

Posted by OddJuice - July 18th, 2020

ABOUT COMMISSIONS everyone: I will post a last commissioned piece today and take an actual break from them. I said this plenty of times, I know, but thing is: I never actually did. Ever since I took my very first commission batch around 4 years ago even when I closed "the gates" I always still allowed work to flow through.

Even these days I accepted all kinds of work even though I'm supposedly not taking them. That's because I love drawing for others and, honestly, money *is* a big incentive for making stuff.

This, on the long run, is proving detrimental to my art as it doesn't allow me to explore my personal ideas, concepts and characters. I reached burnout and got into an art-block after a long, long time and it cannot do.

I WON'T STOP TAKING COMMISSIONS, but I will only accept them whenever I say I'm open. Right now I'm not and I want to draw some of my personal art as well. You will see plenty of commission streams, so keep an eye out for those.

Sorry to all those who were interested, but I came to the point where making my own stories became a physical need.

Thanks for your continued support.

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by OddJuice - November 22nd, 2019

Hello everyone, just wanted to announce very shortly: commissions, from now on, will only be posted on Furaffinity. This has nothing to do with quality, but rather with gallery presentation.

By having my personal stuff shown first people can have a clear idea of what I like and what I do as, more often than not, commissions are pushed a little beyond the limit of what I'd personally draw (which is not bad, I have tons of fun none the less).

In the future I might organize other galleries to post them around, such as Deviantart and Inkbunny, but sites like Newgrounds and Twitter are really hurt by the complete inability to prioritize certain works over other.

So, outside of a few very rare exceptions, most commissions will be put in their respective folders on FA, so I can advertise my little ideas a little more and I might feel a little more motivated to actually draw a few of them.

Hope you'll understand, as you always did, have a beautiful day <3

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by OddJuice - October 7th, 2019

I have to officially announce I'll be quitting kinktober. I'll still be using some of the prompts here and there just because I really liked the idea of actually making it. Unfortunately, if I were to keep it up alongside my other job I'd have to stay awake 'till 05:00 AM every day, which isn't possible, since I'd underperform. I was having a blast, but it doesn't pay the bills.

I'll keep posting anyways. And studying.

Please, stay tuned.

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by OddJuice - September 16th, 2019

So, ya'll might have noticed I wasn't around for a while. A few things have been catching up to me and I might not be as active as I thought I'd be. Don't worry, I have a job to pay the bills and all. My computer is almost fixed, it's just missing a monitor of which Amazon deleted my order just today. I already ordered a new one and I can't wait to have it. I'm re-installing most of the stuff and it's a bit of a pain but I should be ready to be back soon.

In the meantime I WILL post as I have the tablet serving as a tiny screen, but I won't be working on commissions and I will mostly do... Fun stuff. You'll see. This is the only good thing about the whole situation. Also, as soon as my animation program is back, I'll finish that Krystal anim I promised. Not too far off.

I won't lie to you guys, it's been a though year. Between the loss of my grandparents and two of our pets alongside many other stressing issues it has been hard keeping my head up. I'll take this time off as a bit of a break both to study and improve a bit. Don't worry, the wind is changing and it never felt this good.

See you about, thank you all for supporting me, wouldn't be here if you didn't.

Posted using PostyBirb


Posted by OddJuice - August 26th, 2019

They would do it continuously with my older account and the drawings sucked back then! Finally I got to the poin where people is taking my stuff without my permission again. I'm becoming popular :U

Jokes aside though, I don't really mind but I thought it'd be dump not to point it out in his comment section, here's the stolen piece:


And the original:


Posted by OddJuice - August 17th, 2019

Tonight I re-watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit for the umpteenth time, an extremely important movie to me. It reminded me why I started drawing and what I wanted to do with my skills once they got to a certain point.

When I was younger I made a resolution. It kept me up while I made flawed art, it kept me bright, it kept me awake. But then, somewhere during these years, it died out. Recently improving and walking out of my comfort zone has been harder than ever.

The fact I draw porn kind of acted as a pillow, a cozy place to lay upon to keep paying the rent and justify myself that I need little improving by this point, because no one would care anyways. I didn't realize how much I stopped caring myself.

Tonight I make that resolution again. I won't say what it is until I've reached the goal and I will cherish it for myself, because I noticed the more I say something the less I act to make it a reality, rather than a wet-dream in which I can loose myself.

I will be sharing it only once I'm in the position to do it, if I ever will be, and I will do all in my power to get to that point.

Thanks you all for supporting me so far. Hopefully I'll be giving you even more reasons to do so. Back to work on those commissions <3


Posted by OddJuice - June 26th, 2019


I'm re-sharing this picture because I made a simple, yet crucial correction. I simply added the green circles in because I forgot to the first time. People also pointed out (rightfully) that Twister circles are not arranged this way.


But this is a special Twister right ;3 ? No, it isn't, I just messed up because I never actually played it and, to draw it, I lazily looked at a ref. Unfortunately rearranging the circles is going to be impossible since I fused all the layers for the drawings into one and it's going to take a lot of time to rework the things in.

I'd rather accept it, move on and do better next time. Thanks for the feedback!

Hope you'll all still be able to enjoy it as it is <3

Posted by OddJuice - April 12th, 2019

People misunderstands that because I draw a lot of girls being bound I prefere doing the tying. Truth is it's quite the opposite <3

AM A POWER BOTTOM BITCHES! Don't judge a book by its cover.


Although I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy being on the other side as well <3


Posted by OddJuice - March 30th, 2019

Some people made me notice in this journal here http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9094112/ that I might have been overthinking the whole matter a little itty bitty tiny bit.

Sometimes I really do, especially when friends are involved I can get really frustrated, in this case the talented https://www.furaffinity.net/user/bondagefanart who made the picture. And although I still believe in the reasons I gave those who pointed it out I wanted to explain it a bit, to help me get it off of my mind as well.

I actually wanted the thing to be a "short funny haha" comment but you have to know I talk A LOT in Italian already (no wonder I like gags so much) so you can only imagine how troubling it gets to be synthetic and silly when I get to filter my stupidity through English where I can hardly say 3 words withouth having to twist and turn around them to get exactly what I want out of my head, often taking the longer routes compared to a native English speaker.

And while I might have spent a little too much time in my own boiling thought juices, I can assure I didn't want the matter to be taken that deeply, it's just very hard to translate everything from a language to another as naturally as I'd like.

And even if, say, I were the kind of guy to take stuff too seriously I am working to improve it and be less of a stick in the butt, so whenever you see me being a little serious tit you slap me, the worst that could happen is I'll laugh a tad. Unless it's SUPER ACTUAL SERIOUS MATTERS, those exists too, unfortunately.

Hell even with this journal I feel like I didn't get what I wanted across, it's too articulated. I need to work more on my vocabulary ._.

Posted by OddJuice - March 29th, 2019

Sorry I had to write something.


I know you are allowed NOT to like it, but I hate it when they use opinions as objective truths. You can't stop thinking about tape hurting fur or Nick having muzzle PTSD and it kills your boner? It's okay. That doesn't mean the pic desn't work. Otherwise a lot of vanilla furry porn should be DEAD.

Did you know furry's butt fur should be disgusting due to shit being harder to clean?